Full-Time Black Woman

164: Work Affirmations for 2024!

January 21, 2024 Aleese Real & Esha Belle Season 1 Episode 164


While some people may dismiss positive affirmations as merely wishful thinking or blind hope, the effect of positive self-affirmations actually has some science behind why and how they work.

Our brains have this wonderful trait called neuroplasticity. This term refers to our brain’s ability to rewire or restructure itself when it needs to adapt, meaning that our brains continue to develop and change throughout our lifetime. By thinking positive thoughts and using daily affirmations, you can alter how your brain works. The more you practice, the stronger the positive thought patterns in your brain become. So basically, affirmations are like squats for the brain. Eventually, you can rewire your brain to automatically respond to challenging situations in a positive, rather than negative, manner. Today, we are going to share some work affirmations you can incorporate into your work day for 2024.


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