Full-Time Black Woman
Join Aleese Real and Esha Belle as they create a safe space for professional black women and entrepreneurs. Aleese and Esha will have your back from coffee to wine while teaching you how to play your power perfectly. Check them out on Facebook and Instagram @fulltimeblackwoman or on Twitter @FTBlackWoman. Don't forget to rate, review, and subscribe! They see you because they are you.
Full-Time Black Woman
171: Do We Do the Most
We are trend setters, record breakers, culture changers. When something is considered a big deal, you can usually find us at the forefront making an impact or making it relevant. But one question always arises, are we doing the most? The question came up recently in response to #cleantok videos on social media and things got interesting. So today we want to dig a level deeper, and ask do we do the most?
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